Kaylé Barnes Kaylé Barnes

Of Books and Roses

Hello! Salut! Hola Alla!

Today is one of my favorite adopted holidays: Sant Jordi or Saint George’s Day.

This Catalan holiday is a celebration of literature and roses and can you think of anything better to celebrate? When I learned about this holiday from a friend from Barcelona in my early 20s I knew instantly that I’d learn more and start celebrating the day in my own way-by supporting my favorite independent bookstore (The Booksmith in San Francisco)!

So what’s the deal? Legend has it that Jordi (or George for English speakers) defeated a dragon that stayed bothering this one village who tried to appease it by sacrificing virgins (Yikes!). Jordi rolled through right before the village was going to sacrifice their latest virgin (who happened to be a princess?) and proceeded to slay the dragon, saved the princess, and the rest is history. (Historical Legend continues that The Princess and the entire population were converted to Christianity) Jordi became the Patron Saint of England and Catalonia (region of Spain that includes Barcelona). Sant Jordi is also the patron saint of Portugal, Venice, Beirut, Malta, Ethiopia, Georgia, Palestine, Serbia, and Lithuania.

During the 15th century, men would give a rose to the woman they loved on 23 April (Sant Jordi) became a tradition in Catalonia. In the 1920s giving a book to the men you love was added. 

Due to the global pandemic and people (rightfully!) staying home, in-person celebrations have been postponed to July 23, but if you’re interested in learning more or celebrating online check out the Books and Roses website for great resources or check out the hashtags #SantJordiAlsBalcons, #LibresALAire, and #BooksandRoses.

If you need something to celebrate (and who doesn’t during these dark times), join me, Catalan, and 50 countries in celebrating this day. 

May you have books and roses and a little bit of joy during these wild times.

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