Dry January Recs: Updated

Happy (or at a minimum) New Year!

For a lot of people, January 1st signals an opportunity to make resolutions they believe will make them better versions of themselves. These resolutions often center around health and wellness and can be a good opportunity to integrate new habits or choices into our lifestyles. For the past several years Dry January has been one of those trendy resolutions that provide an opportunity to reset after an indulgent holiday season.

Dry January was started in 2012 by Alcohol Change UK, a British nonprofit organization to “ditch the hangover, reduce the waistline and save some serious money by giving up alcohol for 31 days.”

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve found that I like the way I feel when I don’t drink alcohol compared to other items I could imbibe or eat. When I discovered this fact about myself in 2020, I canceled my wine subscription (but still strongly endorse Brown Estate Napa Valley!) and started reading and exploring options for when I didn’t just want to drink water.

As an FYI, I don’t use the term sober or sober curious, because I’m very pro-cannabis use and some alcohol-free alternatives actually incorporate cannabis into their recipes. Fortunately, the beverage industry has caught up with this emerging mindset for a lot of people. In June 2019, The Washington Post reported that Millennials were leading the way in a “sober” revolution and now just a a few years later, bars and experiences centering nonalcoholic offerings are spreading throughout the West. I’m fortunate enough to be able to bike to this special place with my husband and it’s thanks to Josh, the owner, that I learned about many of the brands featured in this photo.

Throughout 2021 and 2022 it’s been really cool seeing a variety of grocery stores, restaurants, and bars provide interesting non-alcoholic options. It’s great having options when and for whatever reason, I don’t want to drink alcohol.

If you’re embarking on Dry January or a season of alcohol-free living, here are some suggestions:

Boire: (Updated 1.1.23)

  • Prima Pavé and Lautus are both excellent rosés!

  • If you like beer, Athletic Brewing Company is it. My husband and I became members earlier this year and it’s great to know we’ll always have alcohol-free beers (that don’t just taste like watered down beer) on deck. My husband’s even started introducing his friends to them to acclaim. The Free Wave Hazy IPA and Upside Dawn are our standard shipments.

  • Surely Non-Alcoholic Sparkling Rosé is that girl! I’ve brought this to book club and people are shocked to know it’s alcohol-free. As my friend circle morphs into mothers-to-be and as I choose to drink alcohol rarely, this will definitely stay in the rotation.

  • Martini & Rossi has a line of non-alcoholic aperitivo drinks that are great alone or mixed with tonic or sparkling water,

  • NOPE beverages are non-alcoholic cocktails and their Mango Margarita with Jalapeno is extremely my shit.

  • Lyre’s Italian Orange non-alcoholic spirit with sparkling water is just refreshingly delightful.


  • The Dry Challenge: How to Lose the Booze for Dry January, Sober October, and Any Other Alcohol-Free Month x Hilary Sheinbaum

  • Quit Like a Woman: The Radical Choice to Not Drink in a Culture x Holly Whitaker(the first book I read about choosing to be alcohol-free)

  • Good Drinks: Alcohol-Free Recipes for When You're Not Drinking for Whatever Reason. by Julia Bainbridge-I came across this cookbook when I was doing a cookbook/recipe challenge in 2020. The recipes in this cookbook celebrate the creativity that can happen when you’re going alcohol-free. The Salted Rosemary Paloma is heavenly and in fact, I might make another one right now.

Do/Experience: (Updated 1.1.23)

  • Visit Ocean Beach Cafe the next time you’re in the Bay. Super pleasant to take an alcohol-free beverage and watch the sunset go down over the Pacific.

  • Visit Boisson in NYC or San Francisco! I didn’t get to make it here on my last trip to New York, but I love that they have 5 locations throughout the city and they have a bunch of gift bundles for those looking to jump into that non-alcoholic life or month. As of late 2022, they have a beautiful new location in San Francisco. If you’re looking to try a non alcoholic beverage, you can use this link for a discount.

Bonne année, Bonne santé!


Will the real [Séra] please stand up?

